In alphabetical order / I alfabetisk ordning
Elith Quantum Leap

Several BM-placements (DK)
Born: 20.01.2020
Sire: C.I.B. MultiCH MultiW MacEnvi Highlander
Dam: Helmiäisen Greased Lightning
PL: 0/0 (21.01.2021)
Eyes: Clear (21.01.2021)
Elith V I P

Several BOB & BOS (SE)
3x CAC (SE)
BOB Junior (DK)
1x R-CAC (DK)
JunClubCAC (DK)
BM-placements (SE & DK)
Born: 16.03.2021
Sire: CH Helmiäisen Mr Neptune
Dam: Tanitas Lucky Dream Freya
PL: 0/0 (31.03.2022)
Eyes: Clear (31.03.2022)
Elith Zip Your Lip

7x CAC (UA)
2x R-CAC (UA)
BOB-puppy (UA)
Sire: MultiCH NORD JW-15 Elith Right Up Your Alley
Dam: CH Elith Keep The Mess
PL: 0/1 (20.04.2023), 0/0 (25.08.2017 UA)
Eyes: Clear (20.04.2023)
Helmiäisen Esquire

Nordic Champion
Swedish Champion
Finnish Champion
Danish Champion
Latvian Champion
Finnish Winner-16
Swedish Winner-15
Danish Winner-15
Finnish Winner-15
Swedish Junior Winner-13
BISS3 at Swedish Chi Spec ”Stora CC” 2017
BISS Movements at Swedish Chi Spec ”Stora CC” 2017
BOG3 at International dog show (DK)
#1 Top winning SC in Finland 2016
Several BOB/BOS
6x CACIB (SE) 6x CACIB (DK) 11x CACIB (FI)
8x CAC (SE) 3x R-CAC (SE)
3x CAC (DK) 1x R-CAC (DK)
3x CAC (FI) 1x R-CAC (FI)
1x CAC (CZ) 1x R-CAC (CZ)
BISS3 at Danish Toy Speciality show Görlev
Ex1 CAC at Intermediate class EDS Brno 2014
Ex3 Junior class WDS Helsinki 2014
2x BOB-puppy at Int dog show (SE)
Several BOB/BOS-puppy (SE)
Qualified for Crufts 2014 & 2015 & 2016 & 2017
Born: 25.02.2013
Sire: MultiCH Misty Meadow´s Charlie Brown
Dam: Misty Meadow´s Vanity Fair
PL: 0/0 (04.03.2016 FI), 0/0 (28.08.2014 FI),
0/0 (10.03.2014)
Eyes: Clear (04.03.2016 FI), Clear (25.11.2014 FI)
Heart: OK (04.03.2016 FI), OK (25.11.2014 FI)
Breeder: kennel Helmäisen, Finland
Co-owned with kennel Helmiäisen
MacEnvi Highlander

Nordic Champion
Swedish Champion
Danish Champion
Finnish Champion
Norwegian Champion
Latvian Champion
Baltic Winner-16
Norwegian Winner-14
Danish Winner-14
Copenhagen Winner-14
Nordic Junior Winner-14
Finnish Junior Winner-14
Norwegian Junior Winner-14
Danish Junior Winner-14
Helsinki Junior Winner-14
Copenhagen Junior Winner-14
1st in Yearling class Crufts 2015
VHC in Open class Crufts 2016
BOG2 at International dog show (DK)
BISS3 at Swedish Chi Spec Show 2014
BISS1 Junior at Swedish Chi Spec ”Stora CC” 2014
BISS1 Junior at Swedish Chi Spec ”Lilla CC” 2014
BOB at Swedish Chi Spec Show ”Stora CC” 2014
Several BOB from junior class
6x CAC (SE) 3 of them from junior class
6x R-CAC (SE) 3 of them from junior class
8x CAC (DK) 3 of them from junior class
2x R-CAC (DK)
1x CAC (NO) from junior class
1x R-CAC (NO) from junior class
1x CAC (FI) from junior class
1x CAC (LV)
Ex3 Junior class EDS Brno 2014
Qualified for Crufts 2015 & 2016
Born: 21.07.2013
Sire: Bodebi Joshua Nahani
Dam: MacEnvi´s Heather Hunni
PL: 0/0 (22.09.2016 FI), 0/0 (28.07.2014)
Eyes: Clear (22.09.2016 FI), Clear (19.02.2015)
Heart: Clear (22.09.2016 FI)
Breeder: kennel MacEnvi, UK
Zoya’s Kingdom Kronos

Born: 18.05.2021
Sire: CH Copymear Middle Man
Dam: JunCH Zoya’s Kingdom Goddess
PL: 0/0 (24.05.2022)
Eyes: Clear (24.05.2022)
Breeder: kennel Zoya’s Kingdom, Russia