Elith Mark My Words new EE & LV JunCH!
Wonderful news from Estonia this weekend!
On Saturday Elith Mark My Words ”Heikki” was BOS JunBOS with JunCAC and is now Estonian Junior Champion and Latvian Junior Champion
under judge Saija Juutilainen.
And on Sunday he was BOB JunBOB under judge Dagmar Klein.
”Heikki” is a son to Elith Right Up Your Alley ”Harry” and Helmiäisen Greased Lightning ”Tähti”.
Big congratulations to his owner and handler Katja Sillanpää! Also big congratulations to Katja and Merja Karhunen for BOB LC both days
with Helmiäisen Right About Now, who is a son to our Elith You’re So Right ”Hubbe”.
Photo: Jaana Vahter